
Meet the team

Oosterbeek, a beautiful artists’ village
Since 2002, Art Gallery Albricht has been located in the old town hall of Oosterbeek, a stately building from 1866. In the 19th century, wealthy entrepreneurs from the west of the Netherlands liked to have their country cottages in this Gelderland village. They came here to hunt and enjoy the beautiful, rolling landscape.Nowadays, Albricht's national and international clientele comes from all corners of the world. For his work Bob travels all over Europe to find exquisite works. Or he just comes across a serendipitous piece.

What are the characteristics of the art dealer’s customers? Albricht: ‘Some of today’s collectors are looking for one particular work of a certain size for a certain wall in their home. Others may be looking for something to fit in with a more eclectic collection of, for example, Chinese terra cotta, black-and-white photography, a work by Karel Appel and a painting by H.W. Mesdag.’ Usually, the customers know exactly what they like. ‘In that case, my role is rather more an advisory one, about provenance and quality, and how to position the work in the artist’s oeuvre,’ the art dealer explains.

Bob Albricht

Art dealer in 19th- and early 20th-century Dutch and French paintings

This year Bob Albricht celebrates his 25th anniversary as an art dealer. He was twenty-five years old when, in 1997, he joined his father in the gallery. More than his father, Bob specialized during his career in impressionism, late 19th-century art, the classical-modern art of Jan Sluijters, Leo Gestel and Kees van Dongen and an occasional detour into the CoBrA period. Albricht: ‘These are all paintings that suit both classical and modern interiors. Nowadays, customers collect in a completely different manner than they did in his father’s days. Collectors sometimes bought as many as fifty paintings by the same artist or artistic trend over a period of ten years, but now they do not buy more than two to five pieces each. Simply because they collect more eclectically’ .

Carol Boender

A familiar face is leaving Albricht
After seventeen years Carol Boender is leaving her job as assistant to Bob Albricht. Carol: ‘I am leaving the office work. And with Marie as my successor, I know I’m not letting anybody down. I hope to continue working for Bob at fairs and exhibitions, whenever I am needed.’
A personal memory? ‘I think when Bob took over the company and kept the high quality laid down by his father. The company grew, digitalised and became international. I am grateful I could help in this transition.’
Any highlights in these many years in the art world? ‘There are so many! So many beautiful and interesting paintings passed through my hands. The van Gogh painting and drawings that are now in important collections for example. Working at TEFAF Maastricht and New York. But most memorable are the many personal encounters, conversations and friendships with collectors and colleagues. It was so much more than just a job.’

Marie Boots

Na een sales-carrière in het bedrijfsleven besloot Marie Boots haar hart te volgen. Nu studeert ze Kunstgeschiedenis aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam. Waarom deze switch? Marie: “Ik ben eindelijk gaan doen wat mij oprecht interesseert; kunstgeschiedenis dus. Wat mij daarbij intrigeert, zijn de verhalen achter de kunstwerken, en vooral de esthetiek en de onderliggende inhoud. Aangezien de periode van de negentiende- en twintigste-eeuw mij aanspreekt, heb ik doelbewust een open sollicitatie naar Bob gestuurd. En daar zit ik dan! Gekozen dus voor de kunst. Het tijdvak waar wij op focussen, daar gebeurt immers zoveel. Allerlei stromingen komen op, men gaat steeds vrijer schilderen, die tijdgeest, dat spreekt mij aan. Verder heb ik op de PAN al veel relaties mogen ontmoeten. Praten over kunst en mijn passie overbrengen, doe ik graag. Wat mij verder opviel: de complimenten die wij kregen voor onze stand. Dat was natuurlijk ook prachtig.” Als opvolger van Carol fungeert Marie als assistent van Bob en runt zij de lopende zaken in de Galerij in Oosterbeek.